
Get your hands dirty at the CONNECT SHOW with us

Organic Waste Workshop Sysco Kelowna Green Tourism GreenStep Solutions Inc

I was at a workshop in Vancouver in August hosted by Sysco Vancouver called the Organic Waste Workshop, held at the Best Western PLUS Chateau Granville Hotel. It was held to help the hospitality industry in the lower mainland understand what the organics ban meant to them and what they can do to reduce their waste. I gave a workshop called Getting your Hands Dirty: How to Conduct Your Own Waste Audit.

The workshop was so successful that Sysco invited us to give the workshop again at the upcoming CONNECT SHOW, a trade show for Hospitality Professionals at the Vancouver Convention Centre West on October 18-19 (11-5 pm Sunday October 18, and 10-5 pm Monday October 19).

We will also have a booth in the trade show, so if you do come, please stop by and say hi.

So to give you a little sneak peak of what we will be doing (besides making someone in the audience get their hands dirty… check out my LinkedIn post from the last workshop called 3 Reasons why you should dig into your organization’s waste.